Saturday, September 12, 2009

Scrapbook Paper Bag

Paper Bag Scrapbooks are super hot in scrapbooking right now! They are manufactured using standard paper bags which pack your lunch when you were in school or who may have brought some home from the store in their last visit. The best part of the scrapbook paper bag is that there are several side pockets that can be loaded with memories or scrapbook pages mini. With some tapes, paper, a stapler and a lot of imagination, scrapbook paper bag will make the perfect gift. The hardest part of making these scrapbooks is to choose a theme! Let's start!

Materials :
  • 2-3 paper bags, any size
  • Cardboard
  • Scissors
  • Tape
  • Stapler
  • Rule
  • Punch


  1. In choosing the number of paper bags is necessary, you need to know how many pages will need to complete the project. With 2 paper bags, the scrapbook will have 8 pages and 4 pockets to decorate. If you choose 3 bags, you will have 12 pages and 6 pockets to decorate. To this instruction, I decided to use 2 paper bags.
  2. First you need to cut the bottom of paper bags. The easiest way is to leave his flat folding paper bag. Lift the flap down and then cut straight through the bag. To do this, all your bags of paper, ensuring that they pairs.
  3. Then times each bag individually by half. Then put one above the other.
  4. Use your hole punch to cut 3 holes on the left side of the book. (See the tips below for the easiest way to do this).
  5. Cut into 3 strips of tape about 5 inches long. The feeding of the ribbon through the holes and tie.

6. Now the real fun starts. Decorate your pages!

Finished Paper Bag Album

Paper Bag Album Tips

# The bag scrapbook paper is acid free and lignin. Note that the pictures stored on your scrapbook paper bag shrinks. So you must take extra precautions to protect your photos. Use copies of their photos, do not use the originals. Also do not use precious commodities such as ticket stubs, unless you copied them too.

# If you want pockets fewer side effects, then do not cut the ends of the bags. Some instructions call to switch bags before bringing them together. This translates into having a side pocket of every page of another.

# Add a poem to a side pocket if you are running below the photographs.

# Instead of using a hole punch, use your eyelet setter.

# For binding the album together use: eyelets, fibers elegant, brooches, rings of metal staples or even use your sewing machine to sew in the center.

# Use colored bags in the aisle of craft or gift bag section. Or the use of paper bags is in the supermarket.

# Use big bags for greater album.

# Measure the side holes evenly with a rule, then drill holes. Then match up the second bag behind the first bag and mark where holes should be drilled.

# Pre-cut your cardstock or decorative paper for the same size for use as a background document. Then go to town!

# Use tags as a decorative part of the paper bag scrapbook. Use daily after fiber ribbon or yarn through the top of the label for the fiber out of the top of the album.

# Choose your theme: summer vacation, birthday party, favorite pet, baby album book or a nice boast.

Ribbons Staple # next to the pages that fit in your pocket. It has a nice touch.

Cintas side make a nice touch.

1 comment:

Rizwan said...

Its a nice post and your blog is also very helping and ideal thanks

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